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The Mill Country Fair
Hopefield Community Market

Young entrepreneur's initiative:
We are passionate about sustainability and our community, and are constantly looking into new ways of creating opportunities for community participation.
Our market provides us with the perfect opportunity to invite young entrepreneurs to get on board, as we offer a perfect platform from where they can market their businesses and sell their goods.
Young kids have so much drive and spririt, and we are hoping to encourage and promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence in our youngsters - all key traits of successful entrepreneurs and indeed successful people.
Our approach:
We work closely and respectfully with the parents & guardians in order to better assist and motivate our young business people.
Young business people (younger than 13 years) who choose to join our market, are encouraged to take full responsibility for all the key elements of their own business.
We discuss marketing opportunities, packaging, presentation and pricing.
We assist them in managing their own stock, their own costing and their own money.
We provides them with necessary customer feed back - both positive and negative - to enable them to improve and problem-solve challenges.
We do not charge any fees for sales less than R100.00.
For sales exceding R100.00, a standard 10 % commision is payable to the market.
We encourage young business people to listen to feed back, follow trends and to adapt where neccesary to thrive in their business ventures.
We instill the importance of community, create a sense of belonging and a network of support between all traders.

If you would like to join our entrepreneurs project, please send us an email below with more details:
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
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